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just read

Girls and Boys...Just read it, please:

7 persons that I need to live! XO
-My big sister
-Ashley Tisdale
-My aunt Edi
-My grandma

7 personality who I love for their work:
-Stevie Wonder
-Celine Dion
-Jhon Eldredge
-Antonina Armato
-Metro Station [:X]

7 Cyrus`s
-Miley Cyrus[Me xD]
-Leticia Cyrus
-Billy Ray Cyrus
-Noah Cyrus
-Braison Cyrus
-Routhie Cyrus
-Sophie Cyrus [ahahaaha she is my puppy xD]

(only) 7 best friends
-Mandy Jiroux
-Ashley Tisdale
-Taylor Swift
-Demi Lovato
-Selena Gomez
-Emily Osment

7 persons that I want in life...now they are...died=[[
-My grandad!! (I miss you so much =[[ )
-Jonny Cash
-Marilyn Monroe xD
-Tenny (the horse of my daddy)
-Grandad again (because I really LOVE him)

7 thing which help me to sleep
- A CD with my fav music (L)
-Reading the biography of Einstein B-)
-Counting 8->
-Thoughts about family :X
-Answers at the e-mails ;)
-Business meeting o:-)
-Rubbing the dog xD

7- favourite foods
-Ice Cream
-Italian food
-Coca-Cola (I know that it`s not a food but I love it;))

7 thinks that I love to do
-Write a new songs
-Go shopping
-Go to the cinema
-Take photos
-Stay with my family, with my pets, and with my friends!

7 colours which colours my life<3
-Pink (my favorite :X)
-Green (my favorite :X)
-and...hmm... Pink&Green again xD

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